Friday, November 21, 2008

Alleria The Windrunner Teaser (testing camera moves)

High quality please (cuz the quality sucks even then)

Just a teaser and my first attempt to make a dota video. Actually, my first real attempt to use Premiere and AFX. It's not exciting, I warn you. You'll find it "ok, nice".

- And before people start saying "omfg noob" - I know sniper was a complete noob, but the point of this video is to show a cool action scene, whatever if I'm pwning noobs or not. It's a pub game after all.
- E antes de começarem com "noob", quero q vcs saibam que a ideia eh fazer uma cena louca, nao mostrar uma kill pro e insana. fiz pra treinar ediçao e tentar simular o uso de cameras no dota. Concordo que seria bom se eu tivesse usado uma kill pro e insana... mas eu nao tenho nenhuma (eh hero novo.. calma q eu aprendo!)

After all that work, the result is all shaky, unstable... I dunno why this happened, I suppose that's due to the fact I captured it in 25 FPS and Premiere finishes it in 29.97, but I'm not sure. Help, any1?

Progs used: Fraps, ReplaySeeker, Premiere, AFX.
Song: Another Dimension - Liquid Tension Experiment

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