Tuesday, December 28, 2010

DotA - Ultimate Hotkey.wmv

DotA - Ultimate Hotkey.wmv Video Clips. Duration : 3.17 Mins.

Download File: hotfile.com My Facebook Page: www.facebook.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: 10-12-10 -First Version -Dota v6.66-6.69c Compatible -QWER Functions -Inventory Hotkey Hotkeys (Hero Pattern) Move = M Defend = D Hold Position = H Attack = A Patrol = P Subskill 1 = A Subskill 2= S Skill 1 = Q Skill 2 = W Skill 3 = E Skill 4 = R Select Skill = O Hotkeys (Hero Learn Pattern) Skill 1 = Q Skill 2 = W Skill 3 = E Skill 4 = R Attribute Bonus = O Inventory Hotkey 7 = Alt + Q 8 = Alt + W 4 = Alt + A 5 = Alt + S 1 = Alt + Z 2 = Alt + X ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions and Answers Q: Why It Doesn't work the Inventory Hotkey? A: if your using Windows 7 or vista better run as admin Q: Why the CustomKeys (QWER way Doesn't work) A: Watch the Whole Video Q:WTF! after i download the file it won't open A: oh SHIT use a Winrar Q: Name of the- A; Parokya ni Edgar - Para sa yo Q: Are you A Filipino A: YES Q: i Kinda Don't Trust You maybe it has a virus A: Don't trust me? find another hotkey :)

Tags: dota, dota hotkey, mineskeys, Warcraft 3, Hotkey

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