Thursday, September 16, 2010

WotLK Beta: Metamorphosis (Demon Form) (Outdated)

This video is outdated. Here are some basic changes to the spell: -Lasts 30 seconds with a 3 minute cooldown -Demon Spells are: Immolation Aura, Demonic Charge (Not the leap anymore), Shadow Cleave, Taunt (Yes, a taunt) -In addition, you can use all your regular spells, and your pet now remains out. This is me showing off Demonic Leap and the Immolation effect. I haven't the greatest framerate in the world, especially with Fraps... so bare with me. If anyone wants me to record something else relating to Warlocks in beta, let me know... As long as you can put up with the horrible framerate quality. Keep in mind that my warlock is currently still 70 on the beta realms.

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