Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DotA 6.67c Jungling With Lycanthrope

DotA 6.67c Jungling With Lycanthrope -------------------------- So i finally manage to find time to upload Jungling With Lycan!It took more time than i thought. Here Goes the Skill Build: Skill Build: 1. Summon Wolves 2. Feral Impulse 3. Summon Wolves 4. Feral Impulse 5. Summon Wolves 6. Shapeshift 7. Summon Wolves 8. Feral Impulse 9. Feral Impulse 10. Howl Your Wolves is pretty much everything you need with Lycanthrope. Stack & Pull if neede and try not to get too much attention to your woods. Since Banehallow don't have any disable skill or silence your move speed is pretty much everything you depend on if you get ganged. And you can always use your wolves to block your enemy! After hitting Vladmirs Offering and a decent level of Feral Impulse you can hit roshan! I didn't at the video cause i was ganged right after that and died!! About the Item Build: I love Radiance at him for chasing the fleeing enemies! But its all about your enemy picks. A Black King Bar is never bad for Lycan btw! --Shoutout to Captain Buggy ''Heeelllooo my friend!'' Song Used: John Murphy - Ty saves the Cop ~ Armored OST


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