Wednesday, May 4, 2011

DotA - Digimon - Vipermon

DotA - Digimon - Vipermon Video Clips. Duration : 1.60 Mins.

Yep, that was bug I found in DotA version 6.70. Courier could pick the Aegis. That bug is fixed in version after 6.70. So there... watching fixed bug... so interesting..

Keywords: Dota, 6.68, Pro, Moments, Digimon, agumon, tentamon, xd, DIGIVOLVING, becomes, si, sad, srecan, !?, allstars, revive, gem, were, pick, up, playdota, Did, know?, glitch, bug, bugged, fps, avenged, glitches, hack, hamster, sevenfold, almost, cover, you, lover, live, rock punk

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